Have you looked at your chimney lately? This may seem like an odd question because a chimney is something that most people take for granted. It is an extremely sturdy structure, made of durable materials such as bricks or stone and mortar. It probably looks pretty good when you drive in every evening after work, and most people don’t give it more than a glance when they walk by. But if you take a closer look, you may notice that your chimney isn’t in as good of shape as you may have thought. There may be loose bricks or crumbling mortar, and that can be a very expensive problem to have. But even if your chimney seems to be in great shape, it’s a good idea to have a professional come in and take a closer look. In fact, the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends that you have your chimney inspected on a yearly basis to make sure that the structure is in good condition and performing as it should be to keep your family safe and healthy.
As solid as your chimney seems, it can still use some protection. At Chim Cheroo Chimney Service Inc, we know just the steps to take to protect your chimney from the ill-effects of precipitation, and that means waterproofing. This process involves coating the outside of your chimney with a liquid sealer to keep the precipitation out of the pores of the brick and mortar. Although this seems like a simple process, the bricks and mortar probably already have moisture resting in the pores, and if the sealant you choose isn’t water permeable, that moisture will sit and cause further problems. That’s why Chim Cheroo Chimney Service Inc uses ChimneySaver water-repellent. This product is amazing because it is designed in a way that keeps precipitation from entering the surface while allowing any moisture that has accumulated in your bricks and mortar to leave. This leaves your chimney completely protected from the damages caused by moisture, both inside and out.
Another thing that should be waterproofed is your chimney crown. Your chimney crown is the piece that is built on to the top of the chimney, and it should be made of concrete. Some contractors, however, try to cut corners by making this structure out of mortar instead, and this means that the crown will be more susceptible to cracking and crumbling. If this is the case, it won’t be able to do the job it’s built for, which is protecting your home from leaks from precipitation and the water damage which can result. Your chimney crown can also be coated with CrownCoat, a sealant made by ChimneySaver. This material will seal cracks and chips and make your chimney strong enough to withstand the elements.
Call Today
If you’re worried about the state of your chimney and chimney crown and want to protect your home from expensive repairs caused by water damage, give Chim Cheroo a call today. We’ll take a look and discover any problem areas. Set up an appointment as soon as you can, and you’ll save yourself from worrying about the damage caused by the next big rainfall!