Does Your Crown Need a CrownCoat?

Your chimney crown is the very topmost part of your chimney. If you look at your chimney, you may see a metal topper; this is the chimney cap. But as for the actual structural part of your chimney, that is the chimney crown. Many times people get these things...

The FlashSeal Difference

Have you ever wondered what that shiny stuff is on top of your roof? That’s the flashing, and it protects your home from chimney leaks. It makes sense that the most difficult area to keep leak free would be where two different materials meet. The joint where your...

All About the Bellfires Fireplace

If you’ve been thinking about major home remodeling but think that redoing a fireplace is just too big of a job, think again. At Chim Cheroo Chimney Service Inc., we can help you make the change over to a new fireplace that will update your home and give your room a...

Exterior Rebuilds

Summer is the perfect time to call Chim Cheroo Chimney Service at 419-752-2231 to set up a time to get your chimney inspected and cleaned. We recommend summer as it gives our technicians plenty of time to do your inspection, and sometimes we find necessary repairs...

Waterproofing 101

Rain is such an important part of the natural cycle of the environment. It brings life to plants, breaks a heat cycle, and fills the lakes and rivers. Doesn’t it feel and smell wonderful after a gentle summer rain has fallen, cleaning off the sidewalks and freshening...