What is Involved With a Chimney Rebuild

An annual inspection and cleaning are the best things you can do to keep your chimney in a state of good repair. When you call Chim Cheroo Chimney Service, our chimney specialists will be looking for many things, such as the amount of creosote build-up, blockages, and...

Spring Cleaning for Your Chimney Systems

There’s just something about springtime that gets you in the mood for change. Once the weather is nice, you want to spend more time outdoors, taking walks, grilling, or even just hanging out on the front porch. Sometimes the spring cleaning fever hits, as well;...

Why Insulating Your Chimney Liner is Important

If you’re a homeowner who owns a fireplace, you know that one thing that can make for a miserable evening is a smoke-filled room. Preventing this is what a chimney is for, right? Technically, this is true, but there’s more to the chimney than just a straight up and...