When our CSIA-certified technicians talk to homeowners about rebuilding part of their chimney, one question tends to always come up – will the rebuilt area match the rest of the chimney?

When rebuilding part of a chimney, we always tell clients that we can get a close match – and sometimes even the same brick (if they still make it). Unfortunately, though, no matter what, putting brand new bricks next to those decades old won’t always look seamless.

The good news for homeowners in Mansfield and its surrounding areas is that the Chim Cheroo team has quality solutions that make any chimney rebuild – full or partial – end up looking great. Check out a real-life example of just this below, then call or reach out online to start discussing your options. We’d love to help you out soon!

Check Out Our Latest Partial Chimney Rebuild

We were invited to inspect a fireplace after a couple recently purchased the property. During our exterior evaluation, it was seen that the masonry was deteriorating and allowing water to get into the chimney. Since water is one of the more harmful things a chimney can interact with, we knew we needed to find a solution to make their system safe for use again.

We talked to the homeowner about rebuilding the chimney above the roof, when, understandably, those classic concerns about whether or not the new chimney section would match the old came up.

original infographic with information about a partial chimney rebuild - with a picture

Understanding the homeowners’ concerns, our team was committed to finding a solution that would meet their expectations. Well aware that brand new bricks next to those aged for 50, 60, and sometimes 70 years would look different, the homeowners inquired about how the chimney could look uniform – and our team suggested applying a stone veneer.

The homeowners were delighted with the outcome, and our team was equally proud of their work. They selected the style of stone, as well as a quality new chimney cap, and our expert masons and hardworking apprentices made it happen!

This was a challenging project, but our team, led by Jake, Cole, Gavin, Cory, and Plew, did an outstanding job. Well done, team!

When Is It Better To Rebuild a Chimney Rather Than Repair It?

If you’re dealing with chimney damage, there are cases when a rebuild may be the safer, more efficient, and (surprisingly enough) less costly option:

  • When there’s extensive structural damage. If the chimney shows signs of severe cracking, leaning, or instability, a rebuild will likely be the better – and safer in the long-term – option.
  • When water damage has gotten too far. If you notice many bricks flaking, cracking, or falling apart, this is often due to water freezing and thawing in the bricks – in which case a simple repair may not be enough and a rebuild might be a more permanent solution.
  • When the chimney has an outdated – or unsafe – design. Chimneys that were not built to code or have a poor design (e.g., lack of proper liners) may need to be rebuilt to ensure safety (and better curb appeal).
  • When the chimney has experienced severe fire damage. If a chimney has been subjected to a chimney fire, it may have sustained damage that affects its integrity, necessitating a rebuild to prevent future hazards.

Now, if the damage is limited to minor cracks or some spalling, a repair may suffice. A professional inspection can help us determine whether a rebuild is the safer and more cost-effective option. Book yours with us today.

Reach Out Now for Quality Chimney Services

Don’t wait for small issues to turn into costly problems – reach out now for professional chimney services you can trust. Whether you need a routine inspection, repairs, or a complete rebuild, our experienced team is here to ensure your chimney looks great and functions safer for years to come.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment. Quality chimney care is just a call or click away!